Check In



How is it April already? I can’t believe it’s been three months since my Mr. left! The countdown is in the single digits now and he’ll be home very soon, hooray! With Spring officially here and Summer quickly approaching, I’m starting to feel quite overwhelmed with the ever growing to do list and big things happening in the next two months.

Two weeks ago I was in Palm Springs for our epic #Partyattheparker that turned out brilliantly. Such a cool venue and a dream team to work with. Keep your eyes peeled for a neat feature soon! Last week, I drove over 2,000 miles north to see the whole family. It was my last chance to drive home before we move even farther away, so I took the dog and a road trippin’ we went! I got to spend quality time with my best friends, meet babies for the first time, and celebrate a birthday all in 7 days. It’s always too short but I’m glad I could squeeze it in my schedule.

The next big project is deciding whether to buy or rent in San Diego, and if we buy I really hope it goes smoothly and doesn’t take too long! I’ve been secretly house hunting since January so I know what’s available in our desirable areas. There are certainly some good fits for our needs, fingers crossed we can get all we want within our budget! How pretty is the curb appeal of the picture above? I love the spanish villa style, so dreamy! We will officially be out of our current home in June and are taking some time for ourselves to travel until we have to be in San Diego in July. Arizona and Hawaii are already on the itinerary, I can’t wait!

Things are beginning to pick up with wedding season quickly upon us. I can’t wait to bring together some amazing events, but this summer will be a little crazy since I’ll be traveling back and forth from San Diego and San Francisco for 4 weddings this year. Oh, and did I mention I got a third job? I think I might be crazy! But the opportunity was too good to pass up and it will allow me to maintain some income during our travels and moving this summer. More to come on this later.

I have a few more things coming soon, happy Friday loves!